隨著 Firefox OS1,黑莓 BlackBerry 102,與 Windows Phone3三種行動裝置 OS 都陸續傳出退出消費市場或停產的消息,表明現在行動裝置 OS 已大勢底定,由 Android 與 iOS 二分天下。
最近甚囂塵上的傳言4是 Google 將在下周發表 Android 與 Chrome OS 合併的作業系統 Andromeda (英文中是 "仙女座" 的意思。有人跟我一樣感覺這唸起來尾音頗像韓國話嗎?)。這讓我想起 2008 年的時候,我寫過一篇Androbian?短評關於 Android 與 Symbian 將合併的傳言。裡面引用了一段話:
How they will merge two platforms that have so many things different about them is beyond us. One is chocolate, the other is peanut butter. Two completely different things. However, we know how good they taste together!