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· 3 min read

Review: Global Dynamic Home Agent Discovery on Mobile IPv6 Q1. 訊息流程一不一樣? Ay: -> 原不需用 RR An: -> 模擬該重做

外: Paper 檢查注意:

  • 規格: A4, 上下 30mm, 左右 20mm, 中間 8mm, 左右對齊。字高 10pt. 圖片引用次序 參考引用次序 內: Problem solving:
  1. Setup sample space2. Define probability law3. Identify event of interest4. Calculate... 原則:
  • 先討論做某件事的老方法,

  • 再和新解決方法建立關聯.

  • 提案前先確定它有效,成功 提綱:

  • 要有完整的 survey, 也就是完整的 view

  • 針對某些很明確的問題來想出正確可靠的解決辦法,細節要想透及交待清楚

        1.  想解決什麼樣的問題
    2. 清楚地告訴大家有人是如何解決
    3. 想解決問題的完整步驟是什麼* 完整解決問題的方法及步驟

  1. Outline: An author's contribution is of value to the reader only if the information is presented in a clear and well-organized way. Papers and summaries that follow an outline similar to that below are likely to provide readers with the best information as to their value.
  2. Introduction. This section should provide the motivation for the paper. Why is this an interesting and important topic to which the reader should allocate time and effort? How does it differ from prior art? A brief description of the research and development process, and the results, should follow.
  3. Review and overview. The author should describe the present state of knowledge and, if appropriate, provide references. This should lead to an overview of the new direction taken.
  4. Development method/procedures. The methods and reasons for the design choices should be described in sufficient detail for readers to be able to judge the validity, reliability and general applicability of the results.
  5. Results. Important results should be well summarized. More complete experimental results are expected in a paper than space allows in a summary. The results should be directly related to the topics presented in the introduction and in the overview of the new direction taken.
  6. Conclusion. The final section should highlight the author's contribution. That is, what do we now know that we did not know before this paper was presented? It should also mention limitations of the work and provide suggestions for future improvement in this area.
  7. References. A good paper lists references that support key statements and assumptions.