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PlotKit with EasyPlot in TurboGears

· 2 min read

NOTICE: This Article is updated for 0.9w3

I recently update my TurboGears PlotKit widget. This version(0.9w3, 0.9 is origin lib's version, w means 'widget')

To get these widgets, easy_install them :

$easy_install plotkit

Then, you can Check the demo in TurboGears toolbox :D

How to try it? Well, it's extremely simple.

For a fresh quickstart site,


from plotkit import EasyPlot

class Root(controllers.RootController):
def index(self):
setA = [[0,0], [1,2], [2,3], [3,7], [4,8], [5,6]]
setB = [[0,0], [1,1], [2,4], [3,8], [4,7], [5,20]]
setC = [[0,1], [1,3], [2,5], [3,5], [4,3], [5,2]]
return dict(ep= EasyPlot(id="diag",
data=[setA, setB, setC]))

In welcome.kid:


add this script into html "body".


from plotkit import EasyPlot

First of all, import the proper widget. (origin PlotKit widget is still availbe)

return dict(ep= EasyPlot(...))

return the "ep" diagram instance to template


display the diagram in template


id: (diag) The Diagram's Identifer (Element ID)

style: (line) The diagram could be plot as a "line", "pie", or "bar"diagram.

width, height : (400, 400)

The diagram's size

data : Datasets is structured with [[x,y],[x1,y1],....]

option : options of both Layout and Renderer (dictionary style), need be a string

The origin example is here.

History 0.9w3 07/04/2006: more flexible EasyPlot dataset 0.9w2 : fix bugs and add a EasyPlot() widget to plot a diagram within the code.

The svn repository is in Sourceforge, you can share your TurboGears widget there, too.

known limit: current widget's option param suppor is not very OO, you need pass the dictionary in string format (can't recognize "v", "label")