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What straws make you choose TurboGears?

· 2 min read

I wonder to know the reason why people here choose TurboGears? I'd like to share mine.

1. Python Battery Included With TurboGears I can apply >5000 python modules on my web application natually. "Battery Included" facilitate me focusing on my major job to getting things done.

ex: Wiki20: "docutils" module is helpful for wiki syntax TurboBlog: PIL "ImageFonts" module is helpful for blog anti-spam stuff.

2. Flexibility from Prototpying to Merchandising In small app or prototyping stage, I just want to see something work first. TurboGears give me the flexibility to do most of my web programming by only edit I can adopt Template, ORM, AJAX.... latter if I really need them. I don't want to take care of "framework" stuff such as admin controll, templating, url mapping, or database reference at first (which Django did).

ex: I've written some short tutorials to teach myself turbogears' features without template. (in chinese).

3. Easy to start, Plenty for Learn Model Designer , CatWalk, help me leave from the first headache of database backend web programming.

And after learning how "controllers" and "expose" works (I think its the minimum set of turbogears core), I can construct a workable web app and enhance it during my learning curve.