56 posts tagged with "TurboGears"
View All TagsQuickMindMaps
I've Update some QuickMindMaps for TurboGears. Those QuickMindMaps present from model to views(by topic) to give you better resolution of TurboGears.
And I've listed My TurboGears-relate posts on my pbwiki
TurboGears 的測試框架
TurboGears 裡集成了 nose 作為測試工具. nose 支持 unitest /doctest, 可以對資料庫處理 (Model), 生成的頁面 (View), cherrypy 輸出結果 (Controller) 作測試.
搭配 selenium4gears 直接測試網頁介面的能力,讓 TurboGears 擁有了完整的測試方法.
TurboGears 可以直接集成成熟的現成 python 套件,這是使用 TurboGears 的好處.
TurboGears 支持各種 Ajax 套件
網路上許多 Ajax 套件,例如 Dojo, Rico, 提供了比 TurboGears 預設的 mochikit 更多視覺上或是功能上的便利.
要讓 TurboGears 框架支援更多這些 Ajax 函式庫超容易。只要將解壓縮後的函式庫放到 Turbogears/static/js 資料夾下。然後在要使用時在 html 中以 script type="text/javascript" src = "/tg_js/script.js" 路徑加入即可
例如要用 Dojo 的 WYSIWYG 網頁編輯器功能,
先在 html body 中加入
div class="dojo-Editor" some content /div
然後再在 title 中加入 dojo 連結
script type="text/javascript" src="/tg_js/dojo/dojo.js
並呼叫載入要使用的 dojo-Editor 功能:
script type="text/javascript" dojo.require("dojo.widget.Editor"); /script
What straws make you choose TurboGears?
I wonder to know the reason why people here choose TurboGears? I'd like to share mine.
1. Python Battery Included With TurboGears I can apply >5000 python modules on my web application natually. "Battery Included" facilitate me focusing on my major job to getting things done.
ex: Wiki20: "docutils" module is helpful for wiki syntax TurboBlog: PIL "ImageFonts" module is helpful for blog anti-spam stuff.
2. Flexibility from Prototpying to Merchandising In small app or prototyping stage, I just want to see something work first. TurboGears give me the flexibility to do most of my web programming by only edit controller.py. I can adopt Template, ORM, AJAX.... latter if I really need them. I don't want to take care of "framework" stuff such as admin controll, templating, url mapping, or database reference at first (which Django did).
ex: I've written some short tutorials to teach myself turbogears' features without template. (in chinese). http://gasolinfred.pbwiki.com/%5BTurboGearsInMinutes
3. Easy to start, Plenty for Learn Model Designer , CatWalk, help me leave from the first headache of database backend web programming. http://trac.turbogears.org/turbogears/wiki/QuickPrototyping
And after learning how "controllers" and "expose" works (I think its the minimum set of turbogears core), I can construct a workable web app and enhance it during my learning curve.